P4820D S/N 730000- Hopper with Front Flap
VDT 121 VARIO VDT 121 VARIO 9,0-12,0M ABG8820/ABG8820B Screed tension device assembly
P5320B ABG S/N 50001 -, 50096 - Tow Arm Assembly
P8820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Control Panel Support
ABG8820/ABG8820B ABG8820 S/N 21098-23354 ABG8820B S/N 23355- Screed Tensioning Device
ABG6820 S/N 20836 - 702575 Screed tensioning device
P7820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Hopper with Front Flap
VDT121 VDT121 P7820C/P8820C Screed tension device assembly
ABG6870 S/N 20735 - Screed Tensioning Device
P4820D S/N 730000- Track Installation
VDT-V 78 ETC VDT-V 78 ETC 2,5-9,0 M ABG6820, ABG7820/ABG7820B Hinged lateral limitation, holders
VB 88 GTC VB 88 GTC 3,0 -10,0M ABG8820/ABG8820B Hinged lateral limitation
P8820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Hydraulic oil tank
VB 78 ETC VB 78 ETC 2,5-9,0 M ABG8820/ABG8820B Hinged lateral limitation
VB 88 ETC VB 88 ETC 3,0 - 9,0 M ABG6870 Hinged lateral limitation
P6870/5870/5770C ABG P6870/5870/5770C ABG S/N 800000 - Hydraulic oil tank
P6820C ABG S/N 716001- S/N 715001- Hydraulic oil tank
VDT-V 88 ETC VDT-V 88 ETC 3,0 - 9,0M ABG8820, ABG8820B Hinged lateral limitation
P7820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Hopper Standard
P7820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Hopper Standard