ABG5870 S/N 22058 - Hydraulic Two-Wheeler
ABG6820 S/N 20836 - 702575 Conveyor
VDT 120 VARIO VDT 120 VARIO 5,0-12,5M ABG9820 Hose-kit, screed for basic and extandable screed
DD24 S/N 20661-,S/N 197591- Differential check valve
VDT 120 VDT 120 3,0 -13,0M ABG9820 Hose-kit, screed for basic and extandable screed
ABG6870 S/N 20735 - Hydraulic tank
MB 120 VARIO MB 120 VARIO 5,0 -12,5M ABG9820 Hose kit for hydraulic crown adjustment on basic and extandable screed
ABG7820/ABG7820B ABG7820 S/N 21064-23058 ABG7820B S/N 23059 - Conveyor
ABG5770 S/N 20740 - Hydraulic tank
ABG4361 S/N 0847508050 - 8068 S/N 08 - 75 Piping Hydraulic
ABG3870 S/N 20538 - Levelling Cylinder
ABG5820 S/N 20975 - Conveyor
VB 78 ETC VB 78 ETC 2,5-9,0 M ABG5770, ABG5870, ABG6870 Hydraulic height adjustment assembly on extandable screed
VDT-V 89 ETC ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 - 9,0M ABG7820, ABG7820B Hydr. height adjustment for extandable screed
VDT-V 89 ETC ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 - 9,0M ABG7820, ABG7820B Heated screed body basic screed
VDT-V 88 GTC VDT-V 88 GTC 3,0 - 9,0M ABG9820 Hydraulic height adjustment assembly on extandable screed
VB 88 ETC VB 88 ETC 3,0-10,0M ABG6820, ABG7820/ABG7820B Hydr. height adjustment for extandable screed
MB 122 VARIO MB 122 VARIO 4,5 -12,0M ABG8820, ABG8820B Drive shaft for extension
VB 79 ETC VB 79 ETC 2,5 - 9,0M ABG8820, ABG8820B Hydraulic height adjustment assembly on extandable screed
VDT-V 89 ETC VDT-V 89 ETC 3,0 - 9,0M ABG8820, ABG8820B Hydr. height adjustment for extandable screed