VB 50 VB 50 2,0 - 5,0M ABG3870 Sign Plates
VDT 120 VARIO VDT 120 VARIO 5,0-12,5M ABG9820 Mounting parts for towing arms
VDT 120 VDT 120 3,0 -13,0M ABG9820 Mounting parts for towing arms
VB 50 VB 50 2,0 - 5,0M ABG3870 Crown control for basic screed
VB-V 50 VB-V 50 2,0 - 5,0M ABG3870 Scale and caution board, on basic screed
VB 50 VB 50 2,0 - 5,0M ABG3870 Crown control for basic screed
VB 50 VB 50 2,0 - 5,0M ABG3870 Sign Plates
MB 120 MB 120 3,0 -16,0M ABG9820 Mounting parts for towing arms
MB 120 VARIO MB 120 VARIO 5,0 -12,5M ABG9820 Mounting parts for towing arms
VB 30 VB 30 1,5 - 4,0M ABG2820 Scale and caution board, on basic and extandable screed
VB-V 50 VB-V 50 2,0 - 5,0M ABG3870 Crown control for basic screed
ABG325 S/N 20941 - Decals
MB 120 VARIO MB 120 VARIO 5,0 -12,5M ABG9820 Articulated screed extension
MB 122 MB 122 2,5 - 8,0M ABG6820 Articulated screed extension
VDT 120 VDT 120 3,0 -13,0M ABG9820 Extendable screed
VDT 121 VDT 121 2,5 -13,0M ABG8820/ABG8820B Screed extension adjustable
VDT 121 VARIO VDT 121 VARIO 9,0-12,0M ABG8820/ABG8820B Screed extension adjustable
MB 122 MB 122 2,5 -13,0M ABG8820, ABG8820B Articulated screed extension
VDT 121 VDT 121 2,5 - 9,0 M ABG7820/ABG7820B Screed extension adjustable
MB 122 VARIO MB 122 VARIO 4,5 -12,0M ABG8820, ABG8820B Articulated screed extension