DD105/DD105 OSC S/N 560000 -, 580001 - Chip Spreader Installation
P6820C ABG S/N 716001- S/N 715001- Cover plates and doors
MW500 S/N 20591 - Superstructure
DD90B S/N 50001 - Front Hose Installation
P7820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Cover plates and doors
P8820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Cover plates and doors
P6870/5870/5770C ABG P6870/5870/5770C ABG S/N 800000 - Engine cover
OMNI 1000 ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 - 9,0M PF6110, PF6160/6170 Electrical heating accessories
OMNI 1000 ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 - 9,0M PF6110, PF6160/6170 Compilation of basic screeds per version and working width
VDT-V 88 GTC VDT-V 88 GTC 3,0 - 9,0M ABG8820/ABG8820B Compilation of hydralics on basic and ext. screeds per version and width
OMNI 1021 ATT. SCREEDS 3,0 - 9,0M PF6110 PF6160/PF6170 Electrical installations for all basic and extandable screeds
DD105/DD105 OSC S/N 560000 -, 580001 - Drum Assembly
P8820C ABG S/N 710001 - S/N 715001 - Floor panels and cover plates