EC170D S/N 230001- Rain visor, exterior equipment
L120GZ Secondary steering system.
A25E S/N 13001 - 13939 Front fender, cover
L60GZ Brake pipes, front axle and rear axle
L20F Sign plates and decals
L180G Fire extinguisher
T450D Front fender, cover
L220F S/N 6001 - 8485 Widener kit for standard mudguards, front/rear.
A40F Mudguards foot step
L150H 4003-5823, 5825-5919 9001-9184, 14001-14266 Hydraulic oil tank
L220G widener kit for standard mudguards, rear
L70F Radiator casing
L50F Servo system
L150E S/N 6005 - 7549 S/N 63001 - 63085 Fender, front
L220G Fender, front
BL70B S/N 330104 - Excavator lock system
EC340D S/N 210001-210482 Rain visor, exterior equipment
A40F Mudflap, motor unit
A40F FS Mudguards foot step
L180G HL HIGH-LIFT Distribution block, B1