L180H HL 1096-, 2003-, 10009- Operator seat with fitting parts
L120H 15722, 15841-, 632321- Operator seat with fitting parts
L260H 1004-, 4001 - Operator seat with fitting parts
L110H S/N 11491-,631418- Operator seat with fitting parts
SD160B S/N 570001 - Door
L220H 2003-2690, 2692-2734, 12001-12103 Operator seat with fitting parts
L150H 4003-5823, 5825-5919 9001-9184, 14001-14266 Operator seat with fitting parts
SD115 S/N 235001 -, 245001 - 551000 - Door, operator's cab
SD75 S/N 240001 -, 550000 - Door, operator's cab
L180H 4496-, 8068-, 13099- Operator seat with fitting parts
L180H 3003-4495, 8001-8067 13001-13098 Operator seat with fitting parts
L150H 5824, 5920-, 9185-, 14267- Operator seat with fitting parts
EC300D S/N 21/23/231001-/25/ 26/27/28000- Door, operator's cab
L350H Operator seat with fitting parts
EC250D S/N 210/220/230/231/ 240/245/260/270/280 Door, operator's cab
L90H Operator seat with fitting parts
EC220D S/N 21/22/23/231/24/245 /26/27/28 Door, operator's cab
L180H HL 1001-1095, 2001-2002 10001-10008 Operator seat with fitting parts
L110H S/N 10005-11490-, 631001- Operator seat with fitting parts
L350F Operator seat with fitting parts