L150E S/N 6005 - 7549 S/N 63001 - 63085 Oil cooler, rear, motor circuit.
SD135 S/N 552000- Valve
EW180D S/N 220012-220351 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
EC480EHR S/N 390001- Servo system, control valve to remote control valve pedal
EW140C S/N 120012-121366 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EC220E S/N 310001-, 320001- Servo system, changing lever function
L90F Hydraulic system rotary hook-on attachment bracket
L70E Hydraulic system rotary hook-on attachment bracket
L180E HIGH-LIFT S/N 5004 - 7398 Oil cooler, rear, motor circuit.
L250G Oil cooler, rear, motor circuit.
L150G Oil cooler, rear, motor circuit.
L60E Boom suspension system
L60G Boom suspension system
L180F S/N 11001 - 15577 Oil cooler, rear, motor circuit.
EC350E S/N 310001- Working hydraulic, quick fit on upper frame
EW200B Oscillating system
EW180B Oscillating system
L250H 1005-1242, 6001-602, 11001-11055 Boom suspension system