ECR145D S/N 210001-210766 Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
L150G Brake lines, footbrake valve - axles
EC460CHR HIGH REACH DEMOLITION Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
G900C G930C/940C/946C/960C S/N 583002 - 586015 Circle turn circuit
EW160D S/N 220014-221107 Servo system, control valve to solenoid valve
EC60E S/N 310001- Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
EC55C S/N 110001- S/N 120001-125789 Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
EC480DHR HIGH REACH DEMOLITION S/N 290001-290024,291001- Working hydraulic, dipper arm cylinder on boom.
G900B G930B /940B /946B /960B Valve housing
A25D S/N -12999, - 61118 USA Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
EW60E S/N 310001- Turning joint line, control valve to turning joint
EW180E S/N 320011-, 322001- Servo system, speed control
MT2000 S/N 197282 - 201009 S/N 475001 - 04, 06 - 18 Valve Assembly
L70G Steering system, pressure and return lines
G900 MODELS S/N 39300 - Ripper
EC140E S/N 310001- Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
G900C G930C/940C/946C/960C S/N 583002 - 586015 Auxiliary 3 Bank Circuit - valve to rear
EW140E S/N 310001- Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
EW160E S/N 320011-, 322001- Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
EC480EHR S/N 390001- Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm