EC120D S/N 230001- Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
ECR355E 310001- Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
L150G Brake pipes, front axle and rear axle
EW210C S/N 120013-120133 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EW180C Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EW140C S/N 120012-121366 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
L180G Brake pipes, front axle and rear axle
L180E HIGH-LIFT S/N 8002 - 9407 Working hydraulics, lift arm
EW160C S/N 120012-122219 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
A35F FS Hydraulic brake system, motor unit
L180G HL HIGH-LIFT Brake pipes, front axle and rear axle
A40F Hydraulic brake system, motor unit
L180E HIGH-LIFT S/N 5004 - 7398 Working hydraulics, lift arm
EC360C 110001-110575, 115001- 115551, 140001-140084 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EC480D S/N 210001-/260001- 270001-/280001- Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
FC2924C S/N 110001 - 110040 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EC460CHR HIGH REACH DEMOLITION Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EC330B S/N INT 10713-10806 EU&NA 80001-80425 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EC360CHR HIGH REACH DEMOLITION Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EC360B SER NO INT 12152-13919 EU&NA 80001-81037 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system