L180H 4496-, 8068-, 13099- Operator seat with fitting parts
L220H 2691,2735-, 7272-, 12104- Operator seat with fitting parts
L90H Operator seat with fitting parts
EL70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70C Operator's seat
L180C S/N 2533-SWE, 60465-USA Operator seat with fitting parts
L330C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM L330C SER NO - 60187 Operator seat with fitting parts
L330C SER NO 60188- Operator seat with fitting parts
L110H S/N 10005-11490-, 631001- Operator seat with fitting parts
L90GZ Operator seat with fitting parts
L160 VOLVO BM L160 Driver's seat & mountings.
L90C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM L90C SER NO - 14304 Operator seat with fitting parts
L120C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM L120C SER NO - 11318 Operator seat with fitting parts
L150C S/N 2768-SWE, 60701-USA Operator seat with fitting parts
L350H Operator seat with fitting parts
L350H Operator seat with fitting parts
L60GZ Operator seat with fitting parts
L150/L150C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM L150/L150C SER NO - 2767/- 60708 Operator seat with fitting parts
L120H 14008-15721,15723-15840 632001- Operator seat with fitting parts
L180/L180C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM L180/L180C SER NO -2532 / -60469 USA Operator seat with fitting parts
L120C S/N 11319-SWE, S/N 61677-USA, S/N 70075-BRA Operator seat with fitting parts