A30C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM A30C SER NO - 2320/- 2275, USA Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
EL70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70C Excavator arm, extending external arm
EL70 VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70 Excavator arm, extending external arm
6300 6300 Excavator dipperstick without lateral angle facility.
EL70 VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70 Excavator dipperstick without lateral angle facility.
EL70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70C Excavator dipperstick without lateral angle facility.
A35 Volvo BM A35 Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
EL70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70C Excavator beam, with deflection
EL70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70C Excavator dipperstick with lateral angle
EL70 VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70 Excavator dipperstick with lateral angle
6300 6300 Excavator arm extending external arm
6300 6300 Lifting frame work, assy.
6300 6300 Lifting framework
EL70 VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70 Lifting frame work, assy.
EL70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70C Lifting frame work, assy.
EL70 VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70 Lifting framework
6300 6300 Oscillation damping
L50 L50 S/N -6400/-60300 USA Loading unit.
EL70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM EL70C Lifting framework
6300 6300 Pivot axle lock