L30B S/N - 1803869/1812999/ 1822999 Load hook, slewing
L120C S/N 11319-SWE, S/N 61677-USA, S/N 70075-BRA Side hatches, front
EW160B Operator's cab
A25C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM A25C SER NO - 10256/ - 60911 Foot step
L150F S/N 13003 - 17724 Protecting plates
L35B TYPE 186, 187, 188, 189 SER NO 3000 - 6000 Attachment mounting plate - Quick change, hydraulic - TPV
EW130 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EW130 SER NO - 447 Cab floor with attachements
A25F Transmission housing
EC210B Protecting plate
EW200B Ball valve for dipper arm
A25E S/N 13001 - 13939 Drivers cab
4200B 4200B Tank with fitting parts
L70B/L70C VOLVO BM VOLVO BM L70B/L70C SER NO - 13115 Mud guards
L50 L50 S/N 6401- / 60301- USA Hydraulic parking brake.
L40B TYPE 191, 192 SER NO - 1499 Tipping bucket - TPV
L120F Tool box
L35 TYPE 186, 188, 189 SER NO - 2200 Load hook, slewing