EC140C S/N 110001-111312 Links to bucket
ECR145D S/N 210001-210766 Attachment bracket, quickfit
EC180E S/N 320001- Attachment bracket, quickfit
EC160C 120001-120962 140001-140192 Attachment bracket, quickfit
EC160E S/N 320001-, 310001- Attachment bracket, quickfit
EC120D S/N 230001- Attachment bracket, quickfit
EC160B Attachment bracket, quickfit
EW160E S/N 320011-, 322001- Attachment bracket, quickfit
EC135B SER NO 20001-20079 Swing motor with mounting parts
EC240B Buckets for long reach
EC180C 120001-120305 Attachment bracket, quickfit
ECR145C S/N 110001- Links to bucket
DD110C S/N 286002 - Rear Drum Assembly
EC160D S/N 220001-220673 S/N 210001-210130 Working hydraulic, bucket cylinder on dipper arm
EC200D S/N 280001- Travel motor with mounting parts
EC140E S/N 310001- Swing motor with mounting parts
EC140B PRIME S/N 15001-, 30001-30121, 40001- Swing motor with mounting parts
ECR145E S/N 310001- Swing motor with mounting parts
ECR145D S/N 210001-210766 Links to bucket