L35B TYPE 186, 187, 188, 189 SER NO - 2999 Side tip bucket, TPV
PL4809E S/N 310001- Falling object guards
A35F/G FS Auxiliary steering system
BL71PLUS Excavator boom, extendible dipper arm
BL71PLUS S/N 10495 - Boom and dipper arm
A25E S/N 13001 - 13939 Brake shield
L90H Lifting frame work with assembly parts
L70H Lifting frame work with assembly parts
EW140D S/N 220014- Oscillating system
BL71 S/N 16827 - Excavator boom, extendible dipper arm
BL71PLUS S/N 10495 - Excavator boom, extendible dipper arm
L120E S/N 19804- SWE, 66001- USA, 71401-BRA, 54001-IRN Gear box housing with fitting parts
A30D S/N 12001 - 15909 SWE S/N 73001 - 74658 BRA Brake shield
BL61 Excavator arm
L90E Gear box housing with fitting parts
A25E S/N 13001 - 13939 Brake shield
L70F Gear box housing with fitting parts
BL71 S/N 16827 - Boom and dipper arm