EC140E S/N 310001- Grease piping
EC60E S/N 310001- Dipper arm
EC160D S/N 220001-220673 S/N 210001-210130 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
L180C S/N 2533-SWE, 60465-USA Propeller shafts with fitting parts
EC220E S/N 310001-, 320001- Grease Piping
EC55B Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
EC290B SER NO INT 13562- EU & NA 80001- Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
EC210B PRIME S/N 35-,40-,50-, 70-,80-,81-,90-,95-95057 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
EC180E S/N 320001- Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
L180F S/N 11001 - 15577 Propeller shafts with fitting parts
ECR235E S/N 310001- Grease Piping
616B/646 616B,646 D45, TD45 Steering axle 616 b
EC60E S/N 310001- Dipper arm
EC250E S/N 310001-, 320001- Boom and grease piping, adjustable 1st
EC180D S/N 220001-220161 Boom and grease piping, adjustable 2nd
EC55C S/N 110001- S/N 120001-125789 Boom and grease piping
EC140D 210001-211217, 240001- 230001-,270001-, 280001- Grease Piping
ECR145E S/N 310001- Grease Piping
EW55B Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
EC210C Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat