EC140C S/N 110001-111312 Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
ECR145C S/N 110001- Dipper arm and grease piping with piping seat
L180G Extended lube points for lift arm system
L150G Extended lube points for lift arm system
EWR170E S/N 320011- Mud guards
EW140E S/N 310001- Planet axles with fitting parts
EC160B Boom and grease piping, adjustable 2nd
EW145B PRIME S/N 15001- Planet axles with fitting parts
L180G Extended lube points for lift arm system
L150G Extended lube points for lift arm system
L50E BRAZIL, S/N 71001 - Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
A30 VOLVO BM VOLVO BM A30 Intermediate shaft
L90H Lubrication
A30 VOLVO BM VOLVO BM A30 Frame, rear
L50C S/N 10967-, OPEN ROPS S/N 35001- Hydraulic cylinder, assembly
EW205E S/N 310001- Oscillating system
L110H S/N 10005-11490-, 631001- Frame link
L50D Hydraulic cylinder with fitting parts
L50D Frame link
L60H Lubrication