EC250D S/N 210/220/230/231/ 240/245/260/270/280 Hydraulic system, control valve to boom and swing
G900 MODELS S/N 39300 - Transmission oil cooler, hydraulic circuit
ECR88D S/N 215001- Nipple assembly
ECR355E 310001- Working hydraulic, boom rupture
ECR35D Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
ECR50D Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
ECR355E 310001- Turning joint line, control valve to turning joint
ECR355E 310001- Hydraulic system, control valve to boom and swing
ECR355E 310001- Hydraulic system, control valve to boom and swing
ECR355E 310001- Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
ECR50D Hydraulic oil tank, with fitting parts
EC140E S/N 310001- Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
EC220D S/N 21/22/23/231/24/245 /26/27/28 Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
EC160C 120001-120962 140001-140192 Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
ECR145C S/N 110001- Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
FB2800C Main control valve
EC250D S/N 210/220/230/231/ 240/245/260/270/280 Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
FC3329C S/N 110001 - 110035 Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
EC160D S/N 220001-220673 S/N 210001-210130 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
PL4608 S/N 110001 - 110086 Hydraulic system, hydraulic tank to hydraulic pump