EC135B SER NO 20001-20079 Control valve with fitting parts.
EC340D S/N 210001-210482 Valve, selector
ECR145C S/N 110001- Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank.
EC140E S/N 310001- Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank.
EC250E S/N 310001-, 320001- Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank.
EC700B S/N 10001-10940 Antitheft system
EC360B SER NO INT 12152-13919 EU&NA 80001-81037 Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank.
EC360C 110001-110575, 115001- 115551, 140001-140084 Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank.
EC700C S/N 110001-110770 Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for upper
EC460B SER NO INT 11515- 15000 EU&NA 80001- 85000 Operator's cab
EC380D S/N 21/23/231/26 270001-, 280001- Tool box, cowl
EC460C S/N 115001-115434 Hatches under engine, hydr.pumps, cooler, m.valve and fuel tank.
EW140E S/N 310001- Hydraulic system, lower brake line
EC330B Cowl frame, cover and hood
EC250D S/N 210/220/230/231/ 240/245/260/270/280 Hydraulic system, oil cooling system
EC360B PRIME S/N 15001-/85001- 35001- Tool box, cowl