EC140B Door, operator's cab
L35B TYPE 186, 187, 188, 189 SER NO 3000 - 6000 Engine hood
EW160B Grab equipment, with shutoff cocks, handling dipper
EC210C Air filter, mounting
EW200B Hydr. equipm. on dipper arm, X1
FC2924C S/N 110001 - 110040 Tool box, cowl
PT220 S/N 50191 - Work lights, rear
EC235C S/N 120001-120106 Operator seat with fitting parts
EW140B Grab equipment, with shutoff cocks, handling dipper
EC460C Operator seat with fitting parts
EC330B S/N INT 10713-10806 EU&NA 80001-80425 Windshield protection
EC210D S/N 230001-, 280001- S/N 250001- Working hydraulic, dipper arm cylinder on boom.
EC350E S/N 310001- Air filter, mounting
EC360C 110001-110575, 115001- 115551, 140001-140084 Falling object guards
EC330B S/N INT 10713-10806 EU&NA 80001-80425 Door, operator's cab
EC290B SER NO INT 13562- EU & NA 80001- Windshield protection
EC210B PRIME S/N 35-,40-,50-, 70-,80-,81-,90-,95-95057 Windshield protection
FC2421C S/N 110001-110078 Operator seat with fitting parts
EW140D S/N 220014- Anti slip
SD110B S/N 552001 - Hydraulic Filter Installation