L40B S/N 1911500 - S/N 1921500 - Tilt cylinder
EC200 SER NO 2760- Slope bucket and grab equipment on adjustable boom
EC200 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC200 Grab equipm./adj. boom incl. switch valve 5.1 m
EC230 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC230 SER NO - 4368 Slope bucket equipment on2,25 and 2,80 m dipper tubes on top
EC230 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC230 SER NO - 4368 Slope bucket equipment on 2,80 m dipper Lh and Rh
EW150C SER NO 689- Hydraulicsystem, dozerblade,front and rear
EC650 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC650 SER NO - 538 Control valves P2v P3v
EW200 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EW200 Hydraulic system, outriggers with articu- lated plates.
EC130C SER NO 221- Spark guard for dipper cylinder
EW200 SER NO 3175- Slope bucket and grab equipment on boom, 4,65 mresp. 5.20 m
EW200 SER NO 3175- Hydraulic system, outriggers with articu- lated plates.
EW200 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EW200 Slope bucket and grab equipment on boom, 4,65 mresp. 5.20 m
EC130C SER NO 221- Pump gear box
EC150C SER NO 254- Pump gear box
EW150C SER NO 689- Pump gear box
EC420 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC420 SER NO - 1550 Hydraulics for slope/rot.on dipper arm 2.50/3.50 M
L45 TYPE 194, 195 SER NO - 1000 Tilt cylinder
EC620 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC620 SER NO - 445 Control valves P2v P3v
EC150C ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC150C SER NO - 253 Pump gear box
EC300 ÅKERMAN ÅKERMAN EC300 Slope/grab bucket, Equipment, Boom