L30G Suction recoil filter
EW210C S/N 120013-120133 Working hydraulic, 2nd boom cylinder on adjustable boom
EC750E S/N 310001- Handrail
EW210C S/N 120013-120133 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
L35G Suction recoil filter
EW230C S/N 120010-120055 Working hydraulic, 2nd boom cylinder on adjustable boom
EC750E S/N 310001- Handrail
L50G CDC - steering, foldable arm rest
EC950E S/N 370001-, 380001- Handrail
EW180C Working hydraulic, 2nd boom cylinder on adjustable boom
EW210D S/N 220013- Servo system, elevating cab, pedal
EW210D S/N 220013- Working hydraulic, 2nd boom cylinder on adjustable boom
EW160B Servo-system: Feed lines
EW180D S/N 220012-220351 Working hydraulic, 2nd boom cylinder on adjustable boom
4300 4300 Steering system prod nr 33100, 33105
L50 L50 S/N -6400/-60300 USA 4:th function.
4500 4500 3:rd and 4:th function 98327
4300B 4300B 3:rd function