EWR170E S/N 320011- Nipple assembly
EC460B PRIME Nipple assembly
BL71PLUS S/N 10495 - Servo system, Excavator controls
ECR235D S/N 210001-210669 Servo system, hammer and shear
EW60C S/N 110001- Nipple assembly
EC160E S/N 320001-, 310001- Working hydraulic, boom rupture
EC60C S/N 110001-111939 S/N 130001-130015,131001- Nipple assembly
EC460C Nipple assembly
EW220E S/N 320011- Working hydraulic, dipper arm rupture
L110F Valve, "return to dig"
ECR28 TYPE 601 Hydraulic tank
G900C G930C/940C/946C/960C S/N 583002 - 586015 Priority valve and plumbing
L150H 4003-5823, 5825-5919 9001-9184, 14001-14266 Brake line, others
L220E SER NO 4003 - 5020 Valve, "return to dig"
L180H HL 1001-1095, 2001-2002 10001-10008 Brake line, others
ECR50D Swivel joint equipment
ECR40D Hydraulic pump with fitting parts
L180H HL 1001-1095, 2001-2002 10001-10008 Brake line, others
G900 MODELS S/N 39300 - Secondary steering circuit - D7
G900B G930B /940B /946B /960B Auxiliary 3 Bank Circuit - tank to valve