A35D S/N 11001 - 14106 SWE S/N 71001 - 72711 BRA Hydraulic brake system, motor unit
L120E S/N 16001 - 19668 SWE, 64001- USA, 70701-BRA Oil cooler, rear, pump circuit.
EW140C S/N 120012-121366 Working hydraulic, quick fit on boom
EW160B Hammer control, operating valve
SD115B/SD135B S/N 236001 -, 555000 - S/N 556000 - Flow Divider Valve
EW230C S/N 120010-120055 Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
EC235D S/N 220001-220035 Servo system, changing lever function
EC290C S/N 110001 - 111856 Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for 1st pump flow
EC18D Working hydraulic, dozer blade
EW160D S/N 220014-221107 Servo hydraulics, Testing sleeve
L60E Hydraulic system, return line
BL71PLUS S/N 10495 - Oil filler and dipstick
L110G S/N 8001-9393 Brake line, valve body - accumulators - accumulator - footbrake valve
PL4611 Servo system, control valve piping.
ECR48C Travel motor with mounting parts
EW210C S/N 120013-120133 Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
EW160 SER NO 1001-1912 Hydr. equipm. on monoboom, X3
L220E SER NO 2001 - 3999 Draining line, central block
L70F CDC - steering
5350 5350 Valve section