EW160D S/N 220014-221107 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve pedal
L220H 2003-2690, 2692-2734, 12001-12103 Oil cooler, forward, motor circuit.
EC380D S/N 21/23/231/26 270001-, 280001- Servo system, control valve to solenoid valve
EC380E S/N 310001- Working hydraulic, boom cylinder
ECR235E S/N 310001- Servo system, control valve to remote control valve pedal
EC380EHR S/N 390001- Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
PL4809D S/N 210001-210026, 280001- Working hydraulics, Removal Counterweight.
L220H 2003-2690, 2692-2734, 12001-12103 Testing block
A40F Brake cooling system
EC235D S/N 220001-220035 Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
L150F S/N 13003 - 17724 Servo - hydraulic, hydraulic lines
EC250E S/N 310001-, 320001- Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
L220G Valve body with assembly parts
L120G S/N 30001-31533 Testing block
EC210C Servo system, pressure check connection
EC380DHR HIGH REACH DEMOLITION S/N 290011-290020,291001- Servo system, pump piping and filter mount.
EWR150E S/N 320011, 322001- Working hydraulic, dipper arm cylinder on adjustable boom
G900C G930C/940C/946C/960C S/N 583002 - 586015 Load sensing relief valve plumbing
A35E FS FULL SUSPENSION S/N 10001 - 11215 Hydraulic brake system, motor unit, valve body
EC210C Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm