EC210D S/N 230001-, 280001- S/N 250001- Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for dipper arm
EC220D S/N 21/22/23/231/24/245 /26/27/28 Hydraulic system, oil cooling fan motor
EC27D S/N 27001- Swing motor with mounting parts
L250H 1005-1242, 6001-602, 11001-11055 Oil cooler, forward, motor circuit.
ECR88D S/N 210001-215000 Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
EC27D S/N 27001- Nipple assembly
L110H S/N 11491-,631418- Nipple assembly
DD140C 290005 - Nipple assembly
L180H HL 1096-, 2003-, 10009- Nipple assembly
EW205D S/N 280001- Servo system, gear box control
L50H Nipple assembly
ECR40D Nipple assembly
EC750D S/N 280001- Nipple assembly
A30F/G Nipple assembly
PL4809E S/N 310001- Nipple assembly
ECR25D 2507- Swing motor with mounting parts
EC200D S/N 230001- Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for dipper arm
EW180D S/N 220012-220351 Working hydraulic, dipper arm cylinder on adjustable boom
EC300E S/N 310001- Working hydraulic, hammer and shear for dipper arm