EW160C S/N 120012-122219 Hydraulic valve.
A40F/G Brake lines
EW230C S/N 120010-120055 Hydraulic valve.
EC480E S/N 310001- Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
BL60B S/N 130103 - Hydraulic system, stabiliser legs
G900B G930B /940B /946B /960B Fan circuit - front
BL61 Retainer for hammer
EC160E S/N 320001-, 310001- Turning joint line, turning joint to travel motor
EC700CHR HIGH REACH DEMOLITION S/N 190001-190020 Working hydraulic, slope and rotator on dipper arm
EC60E S/N 310001- Servo system, dozer blade
EC18C Six-way valve
L60G Refilling valve, main valve
L150F S/N 13003 - 17724 Servo - hydraulic, feed and return lines
EC27C Swing motor with mounting parts
EW180D S/N 220012-220351 Hydraulic system, steering line
L110G S/N 8001-9393 Oil-bleed line, pump
EC160D S/N 220001-220673 S/N 210001-210130 Working hydraulic, quick fit on upper frame
EC120D S/N 230001- Working hydraulic, boom rupture valve mount
PL3005D S/N 210001-210071, 280001- Servo system, control valve to remote control valve
EW140D S/N 220014- Servo system, speed control